Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I think I finally have got my blog back!  I don't know what happened but for whatever the reason I could not get this to work!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and will enjoy a prosperous and healthy New Year!

I just returned from Florida for a few weeks, it was warm and wonderful!  You would think that living in Louisiana would be warm but the last two years have been cold winters!   It was so nice to see my mom so happy in her new condo.  I could not stand to think of her spending one more Winter in the Midwest, basically at her age being a prisoner in her own home!  My brother and his wife are in the building next door and my sister just bought a condo a few doors down so it was nice to be down there with them all.

I am hoping to have a couple of months to finally start designing again, it has been too long.  Can't wait to start posting some new things.

1 comment:

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