Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Our newest family member. Miss Kali Mae! Just one day old in this photo! Born 12/06/10

WOW!!! It has been a long, long time since I was on here last! I spent most of my winter in Iowa, there is something wrong with that picture! It was all worth it! My Mom has a new knee! I did a show that I prepared for in Iowa away from my stash! Bless my Mom's heart she is 86, had a knee replacement the end of September and still wanted to do this primitive show we do every year! That was Thanksgiving weekend, we also served 12 people Thanksgiving dinner! My youngest daughter was to have her 1st baby the 29th of November but the baby decided December 6th was the due date! Of course I had to stay and help (darn)! Then came Christmas shopping for both me and my mom, she wasn't quite up to doing allot yet! Then there was Christmas(Christmas dinner)and New Years and finally back home! It took me about three weeks to recover and then we were off to Dallas for the twins birthdays! Anyway I am home until next week and back to Iowa for my Mom's 87th birthday, I am glad to do it! I feel so blessed to have her as my best friend!
I will try and post a little more often! I have designed 5 new patterns since the first part of February that I will share with you tomorrow!


Linda said...

Glad you are back....anxious to see the new patterns. You must have seen a bit of snow in Iowa this winter! We even had two major snows in our little corner of the south!

Anonymous said...

Congrats new Grandma~~~~ :) She is just precious~ I have 5 granddaughters and a grandson myself...and one grandson in heaven. They are just wonderful aren't they~! And your mom is a great grandma again~ So glad you have your mom. My mom died suddenedly last April at 83. She needed a knee replacement so badly but never had one. I am happy to hear your mom's didn't stop her from enjoying the fall.

Love your work, your designs! Keep posting!!!!