Sunday, June 6, 2010

I finally got my work space back in some order yesterday! I was bound and determined to finish that job! It took forever because it was like Christmas unpacking everything I bought on my last trip! I had forgotten just how much wool I really did buy, I had to arrange my stash cupboards to fit it in! There are some really great vendors out there selling wool! When Mom and I were driving back to Iowa from Louisiana we decided to stop in Liberty, Mo. It had been a long time since we had time to do that! There is a great shop to buy wool in an old mill I got so excited I just had to sit for awhile and just take it all in, I couldn't figure out how I was going to make my choices! I tried to think about future projects that I already had in mind so I bought those pieces first, then came the pieces I just had to have and then the ones I couldn't live with out!!! I knew I was in trouble when this was only the second day of my trip, then there was Market and I of course I couldn't pass any of that up! At Market there was the booth with the dye for wool that I had been reading about, well you know me I can't leave anything alone, I can't wait to get into that project! So, I got my work space back in order and all of my goodies put away so this next week I will be finishing another wool crazy and writing patterns for two new Christmas projects so it is back to work for me! I found my camera while I was unpacking, I knew it was in all of that stuff somewhere so I added some photos from Market! I am so glad my sister has a quilt shop and that she took me with her-Thanks Julie! This is a wonderful experience! I can't wait until the next one!!

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